Friday, September 11, 2009

The REAL you

Beneath the facades, persona's, titles, roles, outside expectations, demands, and shallow existences, there abides in every one of us, our authentic selves, trying to escape.
Be honest, if not with me, with your self, maybe for the first time in a very long time, don't you long for the freedom to live the life you know you were meant to live, but somehow, aren't?
This blog is about discovering who we are, at our very core, frailties, and all, and coming into the destiny held out before us.
Connecting with our core values, and true selves, requires brutal honesty.
If we aren't living a life that reflects who we are, at our very core, we do both ourselves, our Creator, as well as the world a huge disservice.
The world needs to see the awesomeness of the gifts inside of us all.
Let's stop hiding, and take the time to reevaluate which paths we've chosen and why.
I couldn't sleep last night, and during the wee hours, pondered what passions have been woven through my life, form my earliest memories.
Love of nature, music, creativity, books, spirituality, nutrition- these have defined me over the course of my life.
My goal is to discover more of the gifts within me, as well as the path to freedom, to express those gifts, and be all that I was created to be.
Freedom isn't just about living in a society, where we possess the freedom, to fulfill our own dreams, or freedom to worship how & where we desire to, but true freedom means that the outside forces, that have kept us living in shadow, and distorted the purity of our authentic selves, are thrown aside, allowing us to be free indeed.
Then we can know the truth and the truth can set us free. Truth is a person, not just a concept.
I have met Him and He is lovely indeed.