Monday, September 14, 2009

Remembering Lolly

Lolly is a nickname, given to me by my childhood best friend, Janie's, grandmother, Bridie Murphy.
Bridie was an Irish immigrant, whom I loved. She thought I was a gypsy, because I liked to go barefoot, and did so, most of the time, weather permitting. I was a free spirit back then & guess I still am.
She taught me lots of things, one of which,was how to make a splendid pot of beef vegetable soup. I remember her giving me a purple & white lace hankie, which I treasured, for many years. We spent many summer afternoons, hanging laundry out to dry, in their back yard.
"Lolly" is a pet name, derived from Laurel, and it means sweet, or candy. I never knew that until today. I just knew that when I was called by that name, it made me feel loved.
For some reason, I have taken to calling myself by this childhood nick name again, recently. It reminds me of my childhood innocence.
Reliving those tender years, I recalled a day when a neighborhood bully approached my friend Janie & I and began to taunt her about a physical infirmity she had at the time, which effected her appearance. Dumbfounded, and enraged, I pushed him to the ground, and ran home, crying hysterically to my mother and leaving my friend, and the bully, speechless. I simply couldn't understand how anyone could be so cruel to someone as sweet as my dear friend, for something which she had absolutely no control over! Not only was I outraged, but I felt tremendous sorrow for my friend, understanding, perhaps for the first time, the pain she carried every day, at looking different from other children. I knew then, that this wasn't the first time she had been abused for her infirmity- it was simply the first time I had ever witnessed it.
I believe that was a defining moment in my life.
That was the first of many times when I have defended the defenseless. Call it righteous anger, or not, I hate to see anyone being mistreated, or taken advantage of.
My point, in recalling this event, is not to be self absorbed, or self righteous, but to remind myself, and hopefully you, gentle reader, ( if there are any of you out there!) that I am still in many ways, that little girl, that passionately defended my friend. That is part of my authentic self, whom I had lost sight of.
What I hope, is that by writing this blog, it will help me to begin to live my life in such a way, that I let that person flow out of me, again.
I believe that God, in His wisdom, puts gifts & talents in each of us, not so we can glory in them, but for His glory, and the good of our fellow man. In losing sight of my genuine self, and thereby becoming self absorbed, I have failed to live an authentic life, by not standing up for those who have no voice. That is not to say this is the only way to do so, but for me, it is one way, I can allow God's spirit to flow through me. Jesus, in His mercy, consistently reached out to the needy and those less fortunate. Can I close my eyes to them, and call myself His follower? I cannot.
Realizing that none of this is about me, is ,the beginning of gaining some wisdom. Our lives were never meant to be about living for ourselves, but for the One who created us, and thereby, being an extension of His love.
I haven't done enough of that in my life. Lolly would have. I choose to remember Lolly, the real me, and allow her to love through me.

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